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HVC imports and distributes swimming pool robots (Dolphin brand) in Vietnam


     Cleaning pool Robot is a effective equipment which used for  tiding up and operating pool easily. HVC has signed a contract with Maytronics group- Australia to  import and distribute Dolphin Robot devices in Vietnam. Dolphin Robot  is assessed as one of  the best cleaning pool equipment in the world. Has not only simply operation but also useful  function  with automatic press the button . Dolphin Robot can  clean on the bottom, wall or filter water with a capacity about 20m3 per hour. If the small pool has capacity about 20 - 30m3, we only use mini robot to ensure filtration quality without other purification systems. Dolphin robots have a wide variety to fit from mini pool to competition pool size 25 x 50m or water parks. Some big robot can operate according to automatic program to search and handle dirty zone or  back to original position when it is finished.

Here are some specific types of Dolphin robots :

M3- Dolphin Robot for pools in Villa Villa (70m3)

M3 Model- Dolphin Robot for pools in Villa (70m3)

M4 Model - Dolphin Robot for pools in resort hotel pools (100m3)

M5 Model- Dolphin Robot  for the pool under 200m3 water

Pro X2 Model- Dolphin Robot for pools(12 x 25m)

300 Wave Model- Dolphin Robot for competition pool or water park


Great partner

Thong ke